Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Meet my Dogs: Finnegan, Penny, Molly

Meet Finnegan. We call him Finn. Finn is the sweetest dog you will ever meet and maybe the laziest, too. Finn looooooves to lick.

He especially loves to lick sweaty feet and floors. He will just lick and lick and lick, making some pretty grotesque noises as he licks. If ever something happens to drop onto the floor, Finn will be there to lick it up. He knows the smell of peanut butter. Immediately he starts crying if a jar of pb is nearby. He also really likes to stand in front of the warm oven just when I need to open it. But how could I possibly get mad at him for being under my feet and in my way all of the time? He is just so darn loveable. All he wants is love. And when he sleeps, he sticks his tongue out. It's precious.

Meet Penny. Her name is Penny Lang. She is the color of a penny. Oh, Penny, you have so many different personalities. You have jumped through about 4 windows, you have eaten raw scones straight from the cookie sheet, you have gone through a few Prozac treatments, you are just insane. Insane, but so cute, so so so so so so cute. The best part of your day is when we load the dishwasher.

You just can't wait to lick all of the forks and plates and bowls as they go on in (don't worry, we do run the dishwasher after she helps us lick our plates clean). Some of my friends are scared to death of you, others just love you to death.

Meet Molly. Look, she is smiling! What a beaut! Check out them eyebrows. Molly, you have fallen in the pool, you have gotten stuck in between a gate, you will not stop following my mom everywhere she goes. Molly has been known to pick up some nasty treats on her walks, example: small animals, feces...Molly is a fighter, she had some tough kidney stones to deal with, but she came out stronger and healthier than ever. You go girl!

I love these dogs.


  1. OMG, Penny is the prettiest dog ever!!

  2. Penny Lang -- I get it. Like the Beatles song. How kewl.
